Top 10 Disaster Recovery Quiz Questions With Answers

Top 10 Disaster Recovery Quiz Questions With Answers

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on disaster recovery – a vital aspect of business resilience in the face of unexpected challenges. From natural disasters like hurricanes and earthquakes to cyberattacks and system failures, organizations must be prepared to navigate and recover from a wide range of disruptions. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of disaster recovery planning and provide actionable insights to help businesses mitigate risks and ensure continuity during times of crisis.

Understanding Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery involves implementing strategies and procedures to recover data, restore operations, and minimize downtime after a disruptive event. By having a robust disaster recovery plan in place, businesses can minimize the impact of disruptions and maintain critical functions, safeguarding their reputation and bottom line.

Key Components of Disaster Recovery

A comprehensive disaster recovery plan encompasses several key components, including data backup and recovery, redundant infrastructure, communication protocols, and employee training. Each element plays a crucial role in ensuring that businesses can quickly recover from disasters and resume operations with minimal disruption.

  1. Q1. are procedures for regaining control of systems and restoring operations to normalcy; they are the heart of the IR plan and the CSIRT's operations.

    Select one:
    a. Disaster recovery strategies
    b. IR reaction strategies
    c. CSIRT policies
    d. Detection and recovery

  2. Q2. In a “block” containment strategy, in which the attacker's path into the environment is disrupted, you should use the most precise strategy possible, starting with.

    Select one:
    a. blocking a class of service
    b. blocking a port
    c. blocking a specific IP address
    d. blocking incoming connections

  3. Q3. is a tactic that deliberately permits an attack to continue while the entire event is observed and additional evidence is collected.

    Select one:
    a. Manage and wait
    b. Watchful waiting
    c. Delayed protection
    d. Stealthy waiting

  4. Q4. The CSIRT must document and preserve every action, file, event, and

    Select one:
    a. Item of potential evidentiary value
    b. Identity of the involved employee,
    c. Tool used in the response
    d. Reference document used

  5. Q5. The primary preparation and prevention strategy for inappropriate use violations is

    Select one:
    a. periodic auditing of logs
    b. organizational policy
    c. minimizing file sharing
    d. configuring network devices

  6. Q6. When an alert warns of new malicious code that targets software used by an organization, the first response should be to research the new virus to determine whether it is

    Select one:
    a. aggressive
    b. real
    c. intrusive
    d. authorized

  7. Q7. When a second attack, using the means and methods of the first attack, is undertaken while the first attack is still underway, this is considered a(n)

    Select one:
    a. concurrent
    b. simultaneous
    c. intrusive
    d. ongoing

  8. Q8. Incident constraint is a process by which the CSIRT acts to limit the scale and scope of an incident.

    Select one:
    a. True
    b. False

  9. Q9. One containment strategy is to engage in informed waiting, a tactic that deliberately permits the attack to continue while the entire event is observed and additional evidence is collected.

    Select one:
    a. True
    b. False

  10. Q10. attack is much more substantial than a DoS attack because of the use of multiple systems to simultaneously attack a single target.

    Select one:
    a. networked denial-of-service
    b. targeted denial-of-service
    c. heartbeat
    d. distributed denial-of-service

Answers: Cloud Computing Quiz Questions

  1. b
  2. c
  3. b
  4. a
  5. b
  6. b
  7. a
  8. b
  9. a
  10. d