Top 10 MIS Quiz Questions With Answers

Top 10 MIS Quiz Questions With Answers

Welcome to our guide on “MIS” (Management Information Systems), where we delve into the fascinating world of technology and its role in business management. In today’s digital age, MIS plays a crucial role in helping organizations gather, process, and analyze data to make informed decisions and achieve their strategic goals.

MIS involves the use of computer systems and software to manage and organize data, information, and knowledge within an organization. It encompasses various components such as databases, software applications, hardware infrastructure, and networking technologies.

So, let’s move on to the quiz questions with answers.

  1. Q1. Unless otherwise stated, ALL assignments are due:

    Select one:
    a. Sunday night of the week assigned
    b. The last day of class
    c. Whenever we get them
    d. The Wednesday after the week assigned

  2. Q2. There is no group work in this class

    Select one:
    a. True
    b. False

  3. Q3. Group work:

    Select one:
    a. assignments can be done individually
    b. is due by the end of the term
    c. does not exist in this class
    d. Is due on Sunday night of the week assigned

  4. Q4. Discussion boards

    Select one:
    a. have two parts, first post due Wednesday of the week assigned, two follow-up posts due Sunday night of the week assigned
    b. can be made up.
    c. can be posted up to two weeks late per the late policy found in the syllabus
    d. work can all be turned in the last week of the class

  5. Q5. There are a number of assignments (weeks 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14) where first you do the assignment, put it in its corresponding dropbox, AND THEN, put your answers from this assignment into its associated quiz. Note that the quiz is not available until you put you work in the assignment dropbox. Once you put your assignment in the dropbox, the quiz opens.

    Select one:
    a. True
    b. False

  6. Q6. Late Policy: Students who submit work after the assigned due date can expect a reduction of points in the following manner: (Quizzes and Discussions cannot be submitted late). 1-7 days late, 20% deduction. 8-14 days late 50% deduction. After 14 days the assignment receives a zero. All past due assignments must be submitted by the last Wednesday of the academic term. Late assignments submitted after the last Wednesday of the academic term must receive a grade of zero (0), i.e. no credit awarded.

    Select one:
    a. True
    b. False

  7. Q7. Plagiarism:

    Select one:
    a. it's ok to share with and get work from other students or outside sources
    b. it's ok to copy/past work from sources like the web, journals and the e-library
    c. using spin apps will help me avoid plagiarism
    d. If an assignment is found to be plagiarized you will receive an F for the assignment.

  8. Q8. People get sick, family members get sick and many other things can come up in life that might tear you away from school. If/when this happens you need to:

    Select one:
    a. see a shrink
    b. take to aspirin
    c. don't tell anyone but ask your instructor to make up all assignments, even if you're 9 weeks behind.
    d. notify your instructor as soon as possible

  9. Q9. Extra Credit. Sometimes students fall behind, maybe miss and assignment or two, a discussion board or two, or a quiz. When this happens students can do extra credit projects to improve their grades.

    Select one:
    a. True
    b. False

  10. Q10. All materials found in Moodle such as quizzes, assignments etc., EVEN your work is automatically copyrighted by Campbellsville University. Therefore, if you post anything outside of Campbellsville U., like to Course Hero, New Solider of Fortune, etc. you are violating our copyrights and will find yourself possibly failing a course, and/or being expelled from the University.

    Select one:
    a. True
    b. False


  1. a
  2. b
  3. d
  4. a
  5. a
  6. a
  7. d
  8. d
  9. b
  10. a