Top 10 Project Management Quiz Questions With Answers

Top 10 Project Management Quiz Questions With Answers

Embarking on a project management journey? Prepare yourself with our “Top 10 Project Management Quiz Questions With Answers” blog! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting, this quiz is designed to test and enhance your project management knowledge. Dive into key concepts, methodologies, and best practices that every project manager should be familiar with.

From agile methodologies to risk management, our quiz covers a spectrum of essential topics. Sharpen your skills, challenge your understanding, and gain valuable insights. Get ready to boost your project management prowess as we explore the intricacies of successful project execution. Let the learning begin!

So, let’s move on to the Top 10 Project Management Quiz Questions With Answers

  1. Q1. Creating a realistic schedule is often an iterative process because several factors can limit how fast a project can be completed. All of the following factors can limit how fast a project can be scheduled and completed EXCEPT:

    Select one:
    a. Resource availability
    b. Quality metrics
    c. Imposed dates
    d. Logical order

  2. Q2. Which of the following responses identifies a common type of logical dependency used to sequence project activities?

    Select one:
    a. finish-to-start
    b. last-in; first-out
    c. first-in; first-out
    d. last-in; last-out

  3. Q3. The schedule activity that determines when the logical successor activity can begin or end is called the _:

    Select one:
    a. predecessor activity
    b. successor activity
    c. leader activity
    d. mandatory activity

  4. Q4. Which of these represents a typical problem that can make it difficult to estimate activity durations accurately?

    Select one:
    a. checklists and templates
    b. merging – multiple predecessors
    c. reducing sources of uncertainty in the estimate
    d. carefully authorizing the start of non-critical activities

  5. Q5. Milestones are important points in a project schedule that can serve as check points for project managers and sponsors. Which of the following could be a reason to identify a milestone during project schedule planning?

    Select one:
    a. weekly team status meetings
    b. completion of a major deliverable
    c. completion of the WBS
    d. signing of the project charter

  6. Q6. In the enumeration method the project schedule is calculated many times (perhaps 1,000 or more), and each time, the estimate for a particular activity is generated based on the likelihood of that time as determined by the project manager.

    Select one:
    a. True
    b. False

  7. Q7. To use the enumeration method of determining the critical path, we list or enumerate all of the paths through the network.

    Select one:
    a. True
    b. False

  8. Q8. GANTT refers to the Generalized Activity Network Tracking Technique which was developed to better understand how variability in the duration of individual activities impacts the expected project duration.

    Select one:
    a. True
    b. False

  9. Q9. If the project manager changes an activity on the critical path to start at a later date, then the whole project will end at a later date.

    Select one:
    a. True
    b. False

  10. Q10. A Gantt chart is a horizontal bar chart that shows each work activity on a separate line with the bar placed from the early start date to the early finish date for each activity on a timescale.

    Select one:
    a. True
    b. False


  1. b
  2. a
  3. a
  4. b
  5. b
  6. b
  7. a
  8. b
  9. a
  10. a